Online Registration

The online registration system (REGISTRATION GATEWAY) streamlines the process in a user-friendly way that promotes greater efficiency, organization, and records management.  The system can be accessed anywhere that supports an internet connection. 


Need a little help before you get started? Please visit our online tutorial session: Review The Online Tutorial

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Need help updating child's registration!

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Every time i try to register my kids it keep saying access not allowed
I'm having a hard time registering my son for school.
Will not let me register
It won't let me allow me access to register

access denied again really

Birmingham City really needs to get it together

No improvements really in the entire time my son has been in system

and he is a junior at Ramsay

I guarantee my daughter will be going elsewhere

The system is not letting me register my child what do I need to do
Can't register this needs to be corrected
Exactly they changed it from last year I had no problem then
This is just awful! Why provide online registration if the system doesn't work?! I've tried to register my kids for a month now and contacting the school doesn't help at all. Hopefully there will be no issues for my returning students seeing as though it's the school systems fault.
I hope not mine are returning as well
I'm not able to register my child online and I also tried going to the school and the access is down to the site
I've also tried registration and it want let me
I called my child school this morning I was told the website is down and they don't no when it will be back up
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