Online Registration

The online registration system (REGISTRATION GATEWAY) streamlines the process in a user-friendly way that promotes greater efficiency, organization, and records management.  The system can be accessed anywhere that supports an internet connection. 


Need a little help before you get started? Please visit our online tutorial session: Review The Online Tutorial

2 people like this

hello this website wont let me access in login In for my son register in school how can I apply him in the current kindergarten class.

4 people like this
I can't update my information I have two returning students

3 people like this
It will not let me update my information to registration she is a returning student. An when I log in access is denied.

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It keeps telling me I'm not allowed on the website

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I need help getting my son registered for 5th grade. I have already done Step 1 of registration, and withdrew him from Avondale Elementary. This website is very confusing, and not user friendly. How do I set up an appointment to drop off his birth certificate, our proof of residence and his packet of information from Avondale? 


1 person likes this
Need help updating child's registration!

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Can not update my child's registration

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I need help register my son for school

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Still can't register my kids for school

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I have been trying to register my kids for two weeks! What's wrong with the system??

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Everytime I log in it's telling me access denied

1 person likes this
Can't registration need help.
I called my child school this morning I was told the website is down and they don't no when it will be back up
This is just awful! Why provide online registration if the system doesn't work?! I've tried to register my kids for a month now and contacting the school doesn't help at all. Hopefully there will be no issues for my returning students seeing as though it's the school systems fault.
I hope not mine are returning as well
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